Our Real Estate Valuation Accreditations

RICS real estate valuation accreditation

RICS : An International Real Estate Valuation Accreditation

The RICS is an international organisation for real estate professionals. It is recognised as the world leader in defining and maintaining the highest ethical standards in the industry. Adherence to the RICS is imperative for a trusted real estate valuation firm. It guarantees that their valuations will be based on the best professional practices.

The professional standards provide advice on how to formulate and produce accurate valuations. It is also helpful on how to use the most up-to-date techniques and technologies. By adhering to these standards, member firms can ensure that their valuations are reliable and trustworthy. RICS offers educational support for real estate professionals, allowing them to keep abreast of the latest trends in the industry.

At Berthier & Associés, we are committed to respect the RICS standards of practice. We provide real estate valuation services of the highest quality to our clients. We are proud to have acquired a proven track record of complying to the RICS standards.

CNEJI real estate valuation accreditation

CNEJI : A Real Estate Valuation Accreditation for Legal Experts.

The CNEJI is a professional organisation specialised in the practice of real estate valuation in France. It was founded with an objective to promote excellence and integrity in the industry of real estate valuation. The CNEJI unites competent and experienced professionals who are dedicated to provide precise and objective valuations of real estate.

Members of the CNEJI are qualified professionals, who have acquired a deep applied knowledge in real estate valuation. Their principal mission is to provide reliable responses to various issues linked to the valuation of real estate. This can be in litigious cases, transactions or for tax purposes.

Being a member of the CNEJI requires an engagement to abide by strict ethical standards and a constant updating of professional competences. Moreover, members regularly partake in CPD events put on by the organisation which allows them to keep informed of the latest developments in the real estate market and emerging valuation methodologies.

The CNEJI also plays a crucial role in the promotion of good practices and high standards of professionalism within the industry. The organisation collaborates with legal authorities, public institutions and other stakeholders within the real estate industry to guarantee that valuations respect the current professional standards.

TEGOVA real estate valuation accreditation

The European Group of Valuers’ Association (TEGOVA)

The principal objective of TEGOVA is the scientific and educational promotion of the profession of real estate valuation. TEGOVA also works on the harmonisation of European valuation standards. This is achieved through the recommendation of a standard approach to valuation methodologies (the European Valuation Standards, EVS), promoting a set of minimum educational requirements for members, and the granting of REV (Recognised European Valuer) and TRV (Trusted Residential Valuer) status to provide individual valuers with a well-defined indicator of qualification and experience, all with the aim of assuring clients of their valuation proficiency.

At Berthier & Associés, we are engaged to deliver our valuation services in accordance with the IEFI and TEGOVA standards, with professionals associated to both organisations.

IFEI real estate valuation accreditation

L’Institute Français de l’Expertise Immobilier (IEFI)

The IEFI is an association founded in 1979 with an objective to promote and structure the real estate valuation industry in France.

Represented across France, the IEFI brings together valuers and practitioners of all professions in the real estate industry related to valuation and facilitates numerous events and educational activities. The association is a major actor in the evolution of valuation methodologies and is the creator of the Charte de l’Expertise en Évaluation Immobilière, the key reference document in France for real estate valuers.

At a European level, the IFEI actively participates in projects led by The European Group of Valuers’ Association (TEGOVA) and delivers the qualification of Recognised European Valuer (REV).